Cat-napping on a beach, bonding with buddy on a road trip, volunteering at a homeless shelter, or just enjoying the deviation of the norm. Spring break can mean different things to many people.

To me, it means empty hallways, cleaning my office and a guaranteed parking spot in the lot across from Reeve Union. One of the many things I love about my job is the fact that you can never get too comfortable before the environment decides to change. Working on a college campus is both unpredictable and rewarding at the same time. I walk around Reeve and campus with my little notebook and constantly update my To Do list because my day-to-day duties are contstantly changing. 

My work life is segmented into four separate chunks of time: fall semester, winter break, spring semester and summer vacation - which is extremely nostalgic of elementary school because you are always looking to the next thing coming up hmmm.....sound familiar?.  Since my job largely rotates around my student employees and their projects, my projects often fall to the wayside until I can pick them up again when I have time - like spring break.

So regardless if you are reading this from your Cabana in Mexico or on your blackberry in your car (which you shouldn't be - it's dangerous!) I hope you think of me this spring break as I attempt to organize myself again before all the students come back.

Hopefully they will be well-rested and refreshed to get stuff done!