Do ever sit back and reminice about the days when you could just wake up and go? No diapers to change, arguments about getting dressed or bags to pack. What in the world did I do with all my time back then?!

Yes, that's right. Back then I slept until 7:15 a.m. and rolled out of bed only to make it into work just in time for the 8:30 a.m. production meeting. Who would've thought just five short years later I'd be getting up two hours earlier only to find myself in the same situation.

This morning Rob and I decided we needed to make some changes in our morning routine. With two girls, our dog and ourselves to get ready every morning, being organized and out the door by 7:30 a.m. is about as easy as squeezing a date night into our schedules these days. But regardless, Team Unger is going to get it together.

Tonight I took time to pack both our lunches, laid out Samantha's clothes and picked out my outfit. C'mon, you know just as well as I do that picking out an outfit is the most time-consuming portion of our morning, right? I usually end up trying on at least two before I settle on a final.

I'll keep you posted on how this change in our schedules and routines go. Until then, cross your fingers for me. Tomorrow morning might be tough.

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