Today was the day - my annual performance review with my boss. I spent most of this week looking back at my accomplishments of 2009 and created a list of goals I want to achieve for 2010.

As I went through this process I couldn't help but think about where I started out. My first real job was with Weidert Group in Appleton, WI.

If I ever was a fly on the wall, it was here (and I couldn't have chosen a cooler place to land). I believe I lobbied for that job for a good couple of months before a conversation broke. Greg gave me a break and hired me fresh out of college. I could not believe that I was working at a real marketing firm right out of school! The location was beautiful, the people were amazing and I even had my own "office".

During my time, I was a sponge - soaked up as much information as I could and didn't speak up very much.

Despite the fact that I was young, inexperienced and a coward during many meetings, I compensated by taking mental notes of key people I interacted with on a daily basis. My master plan was to pull out things that I had learned and one day wow the pants off of someone...anyone.

Maybe today's my day.

Here's what I recall:

Greg is smart, bold and taught me KISS: "Keep It Simple Stupid".

Lisa Cruz is quick on her feet, connected to everyone and taught me to dress like the next level up.

Sara Baumgart is organized, thorough and taught me how to be an extreme planner.

Tiffany Neiderwerfer is cautious, considerate of her clients and taught me to go with my gut.

Without knowing it at the time, Weidert was preparing me for what was to come: my career. My stay was brief but the lessons learned were invaluable. Today I keep it simple, stay connected, dress like the next level up and go with my gut.

Thank you so much for taking a chance on me and giving me the memories of my first "real job".

P.S. My review went great!
7/27/2012 12:02:36 pm

This is a problem. This issue must be closely investigated. Litter must be removed by local services. I’m sure that’s the best approach to this issue.

3/28/2013 04:39:53 pm

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8/27/2013 04:12:19 pm

Despite the fact that I was young, inexperienced and a coward during many meetings, I compensated by taking mental notes of key people I interacted with on a daily basis


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