Although this post is embarrassing, it's the truth and I know there are plenty of parents out there that have experienced this. If you don't know what I'm talking about then this post will serve as a train wreck for you because you won't be able to stop reading it. Here we go:
In an attempt to get the grocery shopping done and spend quality time with our two-year-old, Sam, Rob and I decided to divide and conquer. He took Claire to the grocery store and I took Sam to the library. Rob dropped us off and told me he'd be back in 45 minutes. If you've been to the Oshkosh Public Library you know that the kids area is pretty awesome. They have fun furniture, puzzles, and a colorful rug where kids can hang out and read their books. Sam always associates the comfortable atmosphere with "home" so she immediately takes off her jacket and shoes and gets settled in. We literally were there for just enough time to take her shoes off and her little body tensed up and she started crying, "Poopy, mommy, poopy!!" Needless to say she is freaking out about
1.) She has to poop.
2.) She is afraid of public restrooms. 
Thank goodness she had her shoes off because as I was trying to lift her onto the toilet she arched her back and swung her legs behind her just in time for me to stick her feet in the toilet. Fabulous. Tights come off and shoes go back on. 
After some quick pleading I finally get her to go just in time for her to unveil to me that she has diarrhea (Oh yes, this is gonna get ugly). At this point, Rob is gone and I'm stuck. After singing the ABC's and washing our hands we go back out to the children's area and begin to look at the DVD's while I quietly pray for her next bout to hold off. No such luck. A minute later she announces to the world that she has to poop again. At this point I picked her up and ran so fast that I'm pretty sure I looked like a linebacker holding a football as I raced to the bathroom. When she started saying, "I can't do it mommy, I can't do it." I knew the worst had happened. Oh Pumpernickel. I now have a two-year-old going commando while wearing a dress. So, I called Rob to have him pick up some Pull-Ups and we camped out by the bathroom until he came to my rescue. In the meantime, I occupied Sam by reading her Dora and Scooby-Doo books. After I finished one of the books she looks at me with her sneaky little eyes (check out the picture below to see what I'm talking about) and says, "Mom, my butt is naked on the carpet."
After composing myself I realized that this is the stuff that makes life something you can laugh at. Anyone who interacts with young children knows what I'm talking about. If you have a good story, feel free to share it so I don't feel like the only one.
4/26/2010 02:58:05 pm

Hil.a.r.i.ous! Great story only made better with that picture :)

Well done mom. LOL

4/27/2010 12:35:32 am

These are the stories books are made of... and the picture says it all! "Oh, Sammie"... you are your mother's daughter!
Love Grammie

4/27/2010 10:33:14 am

Haha! Love this! Made me laugh out loud! I hope Sam reads this some day! :)

Sara Ann
5/12/2010 12:09:13 pm

George loves the little toilet at the library. He says "look mama, just my size". Your story is classic & true if the internal panic of potty training while staying calm & collected for your little.

6/25/2012 06:09:35 pm

Excellent content - as you always provide and inspires me to come again and again.
oh I hope you all have a blessed days!

9/29/2012 12:31:23 am

THX for info


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