You know when you have those extremely weird dreams that are so outlandish you immediately dismiss them when you wake up because there is no way you could ever explain it to someone? Well, I had one of those dreams last night but I think I'm going to take a shot at describing it because I think some people might find it very interesting.

Before I begin, I'd like to preface this with the fact that I watch Good Morning America every day and if you watched it this past Saturday they ran a segment (Will we forget Haiti?) that focused on when natural disasters occur, people only act when children are involved i.e. Early 90's famine in Africa, Dafur and now Haiti.

So, you can imagine the video footage they were rolling during this segment. Completely disturbing. They even placed a disclaimer stating if you had children you probably shouldn't watch due to the graphic images.

This is my dream:
I was in a field and hundreds of planes were flying by. All of the sudden people started parachuting out of the planes and were forming messages in the sky that said, "Help!". Then, all of the sudden, babies started falling from the sky to the ground and everyone around me was running toward them and picking them up to take them to hospitals. I started running toward them too but could never get to one quick enough to catch. I was screaming and all I could do is watch these babies fall to the ground with a horrifying thud.

Then I woke up.

Pretty crazy, huh? I normally don't tell people my dreams because they're so personal but this was just too much to hold in. The media has me completely worked up about everything going on that I can't get it out of my mind.

A political cartoonist could go nuts about interpreting this.

Maybe it's just me and my wild imagination but it's the same thing that happened to me when I read A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah (amazing by the way). You see stuff like this and immediately put you and your family in their shoes.

Humanity is both beautiful and scary.
7/27/2012 12:02:41 pm

This is a problem. This issue must be closely investigated. Litter must be removed by local services. I’m sure that’s the best approach to this issue.


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