Anyone who knows me, knows that I come from a big family. I am the second oldest of six children and there are four of us girls. My two brothers, the poor saps, learned at a very young age to look at the floor and walk swiftly out of the room the second one of our neatly-plucked eyebrows raised at one another.  
Don't get me wrong, my sisters and I love each other very much. I'd do anything for any one of my siblings but there is something to be said about sharing the same DNA with someone - specifically a female - and how they can really get your our case, VS panties in a bunch.
I'm not going to try to generalize this topic because I think my situation is extremely interesting only because my sisters and I are so close in age, we practically do everything together and we have several similarities.
A couple of years ago we issued this "No Sister Left Behind Act" which means if one of us decided to make plans, we had to invite all of the sisters and, of course, our mom - she's the ring leader and the one that keeps us in line when she can. The point of this act is to ensure we spend time together and that no one gets left out. 
There are, however, some unspoken/unwritten rules about this act that still come back to bite us if we don't abide:
1.) Mom is always invited.
2.) Even if we know one of us can't make it, you still have to call that person and tell them about the outing in the event they want to change plans.
3.) If more than half of us are crabby, the remaining have to stay happy to show us how ridiculous we are being.
4.) If #3 doesn't work and we're all bitches: "Houston, we have a problem. Abort mission. I repeat, Abort mission!"
5.) Movie dates and pedicures are always stand-by outings.

So, if you're rolling your eyes and thinking my family is crazy, don't despair (I didn't think you would actually despair about this). We're not always this extreme with our rules nor are we always PMS-ing She-Hulks ready to bust out of our City Pants to wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims.  Half the time we're joking with each other about the "No Sister Left Behind Act" but it is something we do to make sure the girls in our family are spending time together. It's really nice having a built-in network of girlfriends that you don't have to be afraid to be a bitch to every once in a while.

The bigger point here is that I am very lucky to have my mom and my sisters(and my bros and dad for that matter). I know we drive our brothers, dad and husbands absolutely insane but we understand each other and support each other when the need is there.
I pray that my daughters experience this kind of relationship with each other and don't forget about me when they plan their girly trips!
Below are some pictures of my family.
Picture #1 from left: Patti, Me, Mom, Vicki and Liz
Picture #2 from left: Patti, Me, Vicki and Liz
Picture #3 clockwise: Dad, bro Zach, my husband Rob, bro Alex and Liz's husband Steve. My other brother-in-law (Vicki's husband) was not here that summer as he was serving in Iraq.
Sara Ann
3/30/2010 09:51:29 am

Awesome post. I too have a sister network and cherish the women in my family. We must are so correct on the spoken & silent rules of true sisterhood.

Patti Werner
3/31/2010 11:20:27 pm

I absolutely love this.

Troy Schmechel
4/1/2010 07:03:02 am

You should consider yourself (selves) extremely luck. I have no and want no relationship with my brother. We are total opposites in every sense of the word. Most people don’t even know I have a brother unless they grew up close to us.

4/2/2010 12:30:35 am

We sould a little high-maintenance...

I love you all!

4/6/2010 11:02:34 pm

Hey Kate,
I didn't know you had this until this morning! Great writing and I look forward to your future posts. I've started a blog as well, but I'm pretty new/fresh at it...but isn't it fun! BTW your family is beautiful--keep it up!

11/9/2010 10:34:46 am

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

6/25/2012 06:10:05 pm

This is a problem. This issue must be closely investigated. Litter must be removed by local services. I’m sure that’s the best approach to this issue


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